4-day Training of Trainers (ToT) in Mushroom Production for LRLM SHG members commences.
4-day Training of Trainers (ToT) in Mushroom Production for LRLM SHG members commences.
Kargil, 22 July, 2024: A four-day Training of Trainers (ToT) program in mushroom production for 20 LRLM SHG members began today at KVK-1, SKUAST Kargil.
The objective of this program is to provide handholding training, skill development, and knowledge sharing on mushroom production.
Dr. Nasreen, Senior Scientist, KVK-1, SKUAST Kargil, is the resource person for this training program. KVK-1, SKUAST Kargil, is providing technical support for this four-day training.
The training aims to empower SHG members with the skills and knowledge to produce high-quality mushrooms, enhancing their livelihood opportunities. The program will cover aspects such as spawn production, mushroom cultivation, processing, and marketing.
This initiative is part of the LRLM’s efforts to promote entrepreneurship and economic empowerment among rural women. The training will conclude on July 25, 2024.
Rahila Kahtoon, BPM TSG and Zehra Batool, BPM Sankoo were present physically in the said training and coordinating all the events. The program is held with overall supervision of Padma Angmo, ACD Kargil.