
    Director Animal/Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries, Dr Mohd Iqbal conducts extensive tour of Zanskar Valley.

    Publish Date: June 12, 2024
    IMG-20240611-WA0059 (1)

    Kargil, June 11, 2024: On the second day of his extensive tour to Zanskar Valley, Director Animal /Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department, UT Ladakh, Dr Mohd Iqbal along with JD Sheep Husbandry Department, UT Ladakh Dr Iftikhar Hussain, Chief Animal Husbandry Officer Kargil, Dr Gulzar Hussain, Incharge DSHO Dr Zakir Hussain met various delegations and inspected significant projects in the region.
    The tour emphasized the enhancement of animal husbandry facilities and veterinary services, vital for local communities.
    During a meeting with a delegation from the villages of Karsha and Sani, the animal breeders of Karsha requested for upgradation and strengthening of Livestock Development Center (LDC) Karsha, currently operating inside an old government building.
    The representative (Numberdar) of Sani highlighted the absence of an animal dispensary/pharmacy in their village, despite a significant number of households being involved in animal husbandry. The nearest veterinary center, Subunit Padum, is situated far from Sani, posing a challenge for timely animal healthcare.
    The Director, after attentively listening to the grievances, assured the Numberdar of Karsha that necessary actions would be taken. He issued on-spot directions to Livestock Development Officer (LDO) Zanskar to submit a proposal for the upgradation of LDC Karsha.
    In response to the concerns of Numberdar Sani, the Director assured to establish an auxiliary animal health center in the village with trained outsourced staff to ensure accessible and efficient veterinary services.
    The representatives also demanded a community bull for sani village. The director assured them to issue the same as early as possible.
    On the way back to Kargil, the Director interacted with livestock breeders who were moving their livestock to hyaline pasture for grazing and listened to their greviences. Directions were issued to BVO Panikhar to provide all healthcare facilities for livestock.
    A delegation of villagers and ama chokspa also met with director at Rangdum village. They demanded a livestock development centre, barzi, feed fodder, shelter shed for their livestocks during grazing at hyaline pasture. The director patiently listened their greviences and assured them to redress all their demands on priority.
    On arrival at Panikhar, he inspected the newly constructed block veterinary hospital in Panikhar. He expressed satisfaction with the completed project but was informed about the issue of road access to the hospital. The matter was discussed with the land owner and agreed in principal to provide road access to the office.
    Furthermore, the Director inspected the Block Veterinary Office (BVO) in Sankoo and reviewed the ongoing project of the block veterinary hospital there. He was pleased with the progress and instructed the BVO to set up an auxiliary Veterinary Pharmacy cum Artificial Insemination Center inside the old building location at Sankoo main market to extend veterinary services to Sankoo town and its surrounding areas and adjacent villages.
    The director also inspected sheep development officer office Sankoo. SDO Sheep Husbandry Sankoo discussed the issue of approach road to the main office. The director advised BVO to discuss the issue with DSHO and get it solved as soon as possible.
    The Director’s tour underscores the administration’s commitment to improving veterinary infrastructure and services in Zanskar Valley, reflecting a proactive approach to addressing local issues and enhancing the welfare of the animal husbandry community.