
    CEC, DC attend inaugural ceremony of free eye camp & eye surgical procedure at Old Hospital Kargil.

    Publish Date: June 27, 2024

    CEC, DC attend inaugural ceremony of free eye camp & eye surgical procedure at Old Hospital Kargil.
    Kargil, June 26, 2024: Chairman/CEC, LAHDC, Kargil, Dr. Mohd Jaffer Akhoon and Deputy Commissioner Kargil today inaugurated the free eye camp and eye surgical procedure themed “Let’s See Again” at Old Hospital Kargil.
    On the occasion, the CEC expressed his gratitude to Alreza and ASG Hospital Srinagar for organizing the camp. He emphasized his commitment to serve the people during his tenure and urged doctors to be punctual in their duties. He mentioned that the Council is planning several initiatives soon and expressed hope for renewed vision for the eye patients.
    Dr Jaffer highlighted the need to address drug addiction and requested religious scholars to promote de-addiction during their sermons.
    Deputy Commissioner Kargil extended his thanks and best wishes to the camp organizers, praising Alreza Health Care for their role in past health initiatives, including COVID-19 control efforts. He stressed the importance of the camp, noting the relief it brings to patients and doctors alike when eyesight is restored. He also mentioned the upcoming de-addiction center, requesting support for its successful operation.
    Chief Medical Officer, Kargil, Dr. Liyaqat Ali Khan, lauded the eye camp as fruitful and appreciated the efforts of Alreza and other organizations in supporting such causes. He assured the department’s full support for such initiatives.
    President Al Reza, Dr. Mohd Abass, briefed attendees on the achievements and goals of Al Reza, highlighting their numerous camps organized for the benefit of society with medical and health assistance.
    The event was attended by Chief Medical Officer, Kargil; Medical Superintendent, District Hospital, Kargil; Incharge Old Hospital, Kargil; President JUIAK; President Alreza Health Care; ASG Hospital doctors, consultants, staff, volunteers of Alreza, and others.
    Following the inauguration, CEC and DC Kargil inspected the de-addiction center and mental health section at Old Hospital Kargil.
    Instructions were given for the recreation of addicted patients. The CEC instructed for the engagement of a spiritual Islamic counselor and an exposure tour for the consultant doctor to reputed de-addiction centers. DC Kargil instructed that the de-addiction center should be functional within 15 days.
    CEC also emphasised not to compromise on the quality of medicine when purchasing life-saving drugs and antibiotics, and to advertise in Urdu for future audio jingles as well.