
    Culture Department

    Brief Introduction

    The Academy of Art, Culture & Languages prior to name Jammu & Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture & Languages was established in District Leh in year 1969 and in District Kargil 1989 with aim & objective to preserve and promotion the unique rich Art, Culture & Languages of Ladakh. As whole world knows that Ladakh has the distinction of its unique unparallel diverse and variegated rich  art, culture and languages, which are manifested in the aesthetic quality and humanistic dimensions of its languages, literature, music, folklore, folksongs, dance and drama, architecture, carving and paintings emanated out  of its centuries  harmonious social fabric mirroring peaceful co-existence with nature.

    And whereas, it is considered expedient to establish an Academy to work actively for the preservation and promotion of the unique rich art and culture of Ladakh herein before mentioned, as Ladakh has very been declared a separate Union Territory of the country.

    Therefore, an Academy in the name and style of “LADAKH ACADEMY OF ART, CULTURE & LANGUAGES” (An autonomous Body) the whole Regestration Process now under consideration for establishment of an Autonomous Body under the below mention proposed name and title.

    1. Name of the Academy: The name of the Academy shall be called “ Ladakh Academy of Art, Culture & Languages”
    2. Headquarter:
    • The headquarter of the Academy shall be at Leh- (Ladakh).
    • The Academy may, subject to the confirmation of the Government open its sub-offices at any place in the Union Territory of Ladakh to cater for the special need of the area.

    Aims and objects:

    1. To publish or to assist associations and individuals in publishing literary works including dictionaries, encyclopaedias, journals, anthologies and histories in Ladakhi languages. Edit and publish rare manuscripts on the art, culture or literature of Ladakh. Translation of famous literary works of Indian authors and vice versa.
    2. To organise or sponsor, cultural exchanges, mushairas/ symposiums, seminars, lectures, meets, camps, conferences, exhibitions, film shows, music, dance and drama, theatre ( Folk & Contemporary) performance and cultural and literary activities within and outside the state for the furtherance of its objectives and for the development and enrichment of Ladakhi art, culture & languages as a whole;
    3. To encourage and foster the revival, preservation and promotion of Ladakhi folk literature, art, music, dance, drama, including the regional surveys and collection of word-hoards, classical and folk songs and tunes etc and to assist individuals or institutions engaged in such revival, preservation and promotion;
    4. To award prizes, confer distinctions, grants stipends, allowances or other financial aids and to accord recognition to individuals, men of letter, music, dance, drama and culture generally or to award stipend, allowance or        other financial aid to their dependent in recognition of such achievements;
    5. To achieve the above objects, specialised institutions of high calibre in relevance to Ladakh shall be established in the following fields on the lines of three reputed and known National Akademies of Sahitya, Kala and Sangeet.


    Legal metrology


    S. No Name of Officer/Official Designation Remarks
    1. Nazir Hussain Deputy  Secretary 9419199910
    2. Mohd Ali Tak SOCA 9469324210
    3. Zakir Hussain i/c Head Assistant 9622484534
    4. Zakiya Bano Junior Assistant 9419503005


    S. No Name of Officer/Official  Designation Mobile No Email. Id if any
    1 Tsewang Paljor Deputy Secretary 9419218232
    2 Thupstan Norboo Assistant Editor 9419242808
    3 Lundup Dorjai i/c SOCA 9469733659 Nil
    4 Nawang Chinba Head Calligrapher 9419269472 Nil
    5 Tundup Dorjay Research Assistant 9419242448 Nil
    6 Farida Bano Account Assistant 8082366722 Nil
    7 Thinless Norboo Senior Assistant 9419347142 Nil
    8 Norboo Dolma Jamadar 9622994347 Nil
    9 Razia Parveen i/c Junior Assistant 9797482238 Nil
    10 Deachen Youron i/c Junior Assistant 9797485027 Nil
    11 Padma Angchuk i/c Packaging Assistant 8082800605 Nil

    Roles and Responsibilities


    1 Tsewang Paljor

    Deputy Secretary

    The officer is functioning as HOD and controlling the office overall.
    2 Thupstan Norboo

    Assistant Editor

    The officer is looking after literary works of this Academy.
    3 Lundup Dorjai

    i/c SOCA

    The official look after the works of culture.
    4 Nawang Chinba

    Head Calligrapher

    The official compiles the works of publication.
    5 Tundup Dorjay

    Research Assistant

    The official look after the field work of this office.
    6 Farida Bano

    Account Assistant

    The official maintains account section of this office.
    7 Thinless Norboo

    Senior Assistant

    The official looks after the works of establishment, account, auditorium, PAS, online preparation of bills and office store.
    8 Norboo Dolma


    The official assists SA to maintain the records of account section and establishment as well the office auditorium.
    9 Razia Parveen

    i/c Junior Assistant

    The official assist SA to the maintain office store records, stationeries and other routine work of the office.
    10 Deachen Youron

    i/c Junior Assistant

    The official assists SA to manage records of vehicle log book, fuel issue and other routine work of the office.
    11 Padma Angchuk

    i/c Packaging Assistant

    The official look after the work chokidar and other routine work of the office.


    1 Nazir Hussain


    The officer is functioning as HOD and controlling the office overall.
    2 Mohd Ali Tak

    Cultural Officer/ SOCA

    The officer is looking after culture & literary works of this Academy.
    3. Zakir Hussain,

    i/c Head Assistant

    The official looks after the works of establishment, account, auditorium, PAS, online preparation of bills and office store.
    3 Zakiya Bano,

    Junior Assistant.

    The official look after the works establishment, accounts and other routine work of the office.


    S. No Name of Officer/Official Designation Remarks
    1 Tsewang Paljor Deputy Secretary Appellate Authority
    2 Thupstan Norboo Assistant Editor Public Information Officer


    S.No Subject Status
    1 Disclosure of Information under Right to Information Act – 2005 Section 4(1)(b) Click Here To View
    General Administration Department
    Title Date View / Download
    Advisory for purchase of Motor Vehicle. 14/07/2022
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    Constitution of UT Level Managing Committee / UT Ladakh branch of Indian Red Cross Society (IRCS) in Ladakh. 12/07/2022
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    Leave of Sh. Sanjeev Khirwar, lAS, Principal Secretary-Interim allocation of departments thereof. 12/07/2022
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    Constitution of State/ UT Level and District Level Committee for effective implementation & coordination of Mission Amrit Sarovar, at the ground Level as per the guidelines issued by Ministry of Rural Development, Department of Land Resource Govt. of India 11/07/2022
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    Deputation of Sh. Fayaz Ahmad Sheikh, Secretary (Legal) to UT of Ladakh-Assignment of charge thereof. 11/07/2022
    Accessible Version : View (774 KB) / 
    Order No. 199-LA(GAD) of 2022: Constitution of Advisory Board for DBT Cell in Union Territory of Ladakh. 08/07/2022
    Accessible Version : View (1 MB) / 
    Order No.: 198-LA(GAD) of 2022: Residential Training Program on “Advance Course on Secretariat Effectiveness: Capacity Building” -Deputation of Officers thereof 07/07/2022
    Accessible Version : View (42 KB) / 
    Order No.: 195-LA(GAD) of 2022: Recalling of Sh. Abdul Hamid Bhat, Junior Engineer from the Office of Resident Commission, New Delhi-Transfer & posting thereof 07/07/2022
    Accessible Version : View (28 KB) / 
    Order No. 197-LA(GAD) of 2022: Two Days-Regional Conference on “Bringing Citizens, Entrepreneurs and Government Closer for Good Governance” being organized by the Department of Administrative Reforms &Public Grievances, GoI -Deputation of Officers thereof 07/07/2022
    Accessible Version : View (41 KB) / 
    Order No. 194-LA(GAD) of 2022: Relieving Order/Assignment of Charge. 07/07/2022
    Accessible Version : View (28 KB) / 

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