
    Director of Rural Development Department and Panchayati Raj, UT Ladakh, Syed Sajjad Qadri, presided over a comprehensive review meeting on centrally sponsored schemes

    Publish Date: February 5, 2024
    WhatsApp Image 2024-02-03 at 8.54.23 PM (1)

    Leh, Feb 04, 2024: The Director of Rural Development Department and Panchayati Raj, UT Ladakh, Syed Sajjad Qadri, presided over a comprehensive review meeting on centrally sponsored schemes and state initiatives of the Rural Development Department at Leh on February 3.
    The meeting opened by outlining the vision and objectives of the Rural Development Department and Panchayati Raj in fostering sustainable development across the region. Emphasizing upon the importance of collaborative and effective implementation, Director Qadri, set the tone for a productive and result-oriented meeting.
    The core focus of the meeting revolved around the centrally sponsored schemes and state initiatives, crucial mechanisms for driving socio-economic progress in UT Ladakh.
    Director Syed Sajjad Qadri, along with Block Development Officers and officials, explored the details of ongoing projects, funding allocations, and timelines, fostering a transparent and accountable discourse.
    During the session, Director Syed Sajjad Qadri highlighted the pivotal role of Panchayati Raj institutions at grass-root development and community empowerment. The collaborative efforts were emphasized as integral to bridging the developmental gaps and enhancing the quality of life for residents in rural areas.
    Director Syed Sajjad Qadri urged the officials to prioritize the needs and aspirations of the people, aligning development initiatives with the unique requirements of different regions within UT Ladakh.
    The department aims to transform the developmental landscape of UT Ladakh, leaving a lasting positive impact on the lives of residents of the UT of Ladakh, Syed Sajjad Qadri added.
    The meeting concluded with a comprehensive roadmap for the implementation of projects, timelines for the completion of projects and laying the foundation for a cohesive and coordinated approach for Rural development. The meeting shared a commitment to fostering sustainable growth and prosperity in UT Ladakh.
    The meeting was attended by Assistant Commissioner Development, Block Development Officers, Engineers from the Rural Engineering wing and other officials.