
    General Administration Department

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    General Administration Department
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    सचिवालय, संघ राज्य लद्दाख में राजभाषा कार्यान्वयन समिति का गठन। 26/04/2023
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    Y-20 pre-summit scheduled to be organized in Leh, Ladakh w.e.f. 25th to 28th April 2023- attendance and availing of leave by employees thereof. 21/04/2023
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    Deputation of Senior Assistants and Junior Assistants for undergoing the “Secretariat Assistants Training Course” at J&K IMPARD. 21/04/2023
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    Deputation of Senior Assistants and Junior Assistants for undergoing the “Secretariat Assistants Training Course” at J&K IMPARD. 20/04/2023
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    Deputation of Senior Assistants and Junior Assistants for undergoing the “Secretariat Assistants Training Course” at J&K IMPARD. 20/04/2023
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    Deputation of Senior Assistants and Junior Assistants for undergoing the “Secretariat Assistants Training Course” at J&K IMPARD. 20/04/2023
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    Rescinding of Order issued regarding Repatriation / Relieving of Sh. Mehboob Ali Khan, IRS, Administrative Secretary, UT Ladakh. 19/04/2023
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    16th Civil Services Day,2023-Deputation of Officer thereof. 18/04/2023
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    Apportionment of Manpower between Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir and Union territory of Ladakh. 13/04/2023
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    Constitution of District Management Team (DMT) for the establishment of the District Disability Rehabilitation Center (DDRC) in the UT of Ladakh. 10/04/2023
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    Appointment of Public Information Officer (PIO) and First Appellate Authority (FAA) in the Governor Secretariat (Raj Niwas), Ladakh under RTI Act, 2005. 09/04/2023
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    Order No. 89-LA(GAD) of 2023: Transfers and Postings of Officers. 05/04/2023
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