
    DSP D.R attends community to school initiatives programme of MPS HD.

    Publish Date: December 1, 2023

    Kargil, Nov 30: DSP D.R Police Kargil, Stenzin Dorje today attended the Community to School initiative of Mutahhary Public School High Department Kurbathang.
    He was accompanied with Sub Inspector Miss Dochain Ladlo.
    At the outset, Dorje shared his personal journey experience and offered profound advice on navigating the challenges of choosing a career in law enforcement.
    During the interactive session, students actively engaged with the guests, posing thoughtful doubts and questions.
    The diverse range of inquiries reflected the students’ curiosity about the intricacies of a career in the police force, community service, and the impact of law enforcement on society.
    Sub Inspector Dochain delivered an empowering speech on women empowerment in the police force, inspiring the students with her experiences and achievements.
    The interactive nature of the event allowed students to pose one-on-one questions to the esteemed guests, fostering a direct connection between the law enforcement professionals and the school community.
    School Principal Fida Ali Jaffery,
    expressed gratitude with a heartfelt vote of thanks, acknowledging the valuable contribution of the guests in guiding and motivating the students towards their future endeavours.
    He added that MPS Kurbathang continues to prioritize such community engagement initiatives, recognizing the importance of collaborative efforts in shaping future of its student.