S.O 19 The Excise Policy 2024-25
11/04/2024 |
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Order No: 52 F of 2024:-Enhancement of Wages of Daily Wage Earners.
15/03/2024 |
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Order No. 42- F of 2024:- Transfer & Posting.
14/03/2024 |
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Notification No:02 F Of 2024:-final sinority list of subordinate(executive&Ministerial staffs)of excise and state taxes Department UT cadre stood as on 01-01-2024.
08/01/2024 |
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CIRCULAR:-Proposal for hiring of manpower for outsourcing under Major Head 2575-Special Development Package under Object Head Professional Services for the FinancialYear 2024-25.
29/12/2023 |
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Order no:48-F of 2023:- Revised rates of Dearness Relief to Pensioners and Family pensioners of Union Territory of Ladakh.
23/11/2023 |
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Order No:304-F of 2023:-Appointment of candidates to the post of ACCOUNTS ASSISTANT (Group ‘C’, Non-Technical), in Finance department of the Administration of UT of Ladakh.
25/11/2023 |
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Order no:49-F 0f 2023:-Application of SO. 499 to the State Judicial Officers currently posted in the Union Territory of Ladakh.
27/11/2023 |
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Order No. 304-F of 2023:Appointment of candidates to the post of Accounts Assistant,(Group “C” Non Technical),in Finance Department of the Administration of UT Ladakh, in Level 5 of pay Matrix.
25/11/2023 |
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Memorandum:Offer of Appointment to the post of Guard/Excise Guard (Group ‘C’, Non- Gazetted), in Excise and State Taxes Department of the Administration of Union territory of Ladakh.
23/10/2023 |
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