
    Founder of Adventure Sports Federation of Ladakh, Gen Secy of Ladakh Pencak Silat Association & Shri Tsering call on Hon’ble Lt Governor Brig (Dr) BD Mishra (Retd)

    Publish Date: February 15, 2024
    Pangong Frozen Lake Marathon delegation

    Upcoming Pangong Frozen Lake Marathon, hosting of Pencak Silat Nationals and non-delivery of purchased vehicle discussed with HLG
    Leh, Feb 15, 2024: A delegation led by the Founder of Adventure Sports Federation of Ladakh, Shri Chamba Tsetan, called on the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor of Ladakh, Brigadier (Dr) BD Mishra (Retd), at the Lieutenant Governor’s Secretariat. Secretary to HLG, Shri Ravinder Kumar, was present in the meeting.
    Shri Chamba apprised the HLG of the upcoming Pangong Frozen Lake Marathon, which is officially registered in the Guinness Book of World Records as the World’s Highest Frozen Lake Half Marathon, starting February 20, 2024. He informed that the Marathon was launched to promote winter tourism in Changthang and also to spread the message of sustainability on a global scale.
    Director – Client Engagement of C2c Organizational Development (c2c-od), Shri Vinay Kumar informed the HLG about the plan to introduce Sustainability Leadership Programme in Ladakh and also to provide skill training to Ladakhi youth. He also informed about Sustainable Development Goals and his desire to work on an SDG in Ladakh, preferably education.
    The HLG appreciated Shri Chamba and Shri Vinay for their work and assured them of all possible support in the successful conduct of the Pangong Frozen Lake Marathon. He also asked Shri Vinay to contact Principal Secretary, Shri Sanjiv Khirwar, for possible associations with the education department.
    A delegation from Ladakh Pencak Silat Association led by its General Secretary, Smt Shanaz Parveen called on the HLG at the LG Secretariat. Secretary to HLG, Shri Ravinder Kumar, IAS, was also in the meeting.
    Smt Shanaz, on behalf of the Indian Pencak Silat Federation, requested the HLG to establish Khelo India Pencak Silat’s centre at Leh and Kargil so that interested martial artists can be trained by professional coaches. She informed about the Indian Pencak Silat Federation’s plan to conduct the 8th Pencak Silat Federation Cup 2024 for senior and junior athletes in UT Ladakh this year and requested financial support and infrastructure development along with facilities from the HLG.
    Smt Shanaz requested the HLG to provide a hall/space for training Pencak Silat athletes from Ladakh so that they can train for national and international events.
    Appreciating the Ladakh Pencak Silat Association, the HLG asked Shri Ravinder, IAS, to look at the possible support that UT Administration can provide in organising the national-level event of Pencak Silat in Ladakh. He also asked Shri Ravinder, IAS, to organise as many national-level tournaments in Ladakh as possible to provide exposure and platform to sportspersons from Ladakh. He further asked Shri Ravinder, IAS, to support arranging a space for the Pencak Silat athletes to train.
    Shri Tsering Tashi called on the HLG at the LG Secretariat to inform about the problem faced due to the non-delivery of a vehicle purchased by him from Jammu. Secretary to HLG, Shri Ravinder Kumar, IAS, was also in the meeting.
    Shri Tsering informed that he placed an order for the purchase of a vehicle from Shuhul Automobile, Jammu and the full payment made by him for the same. He also informed that the showroom was closed down due to which the vehicle was not delivered to him nor was the payment refunded. He requested the HLG’s intervention in helping him with either the delivery of the vehicle or the refund of the payment made by him.
    The HLG asked Shri Ravinder, IAS, to get in touch with Deputy Commissioner, Jammu and the Superintendent of Police, Jammu and coordinate with them to resolve Shri Tsering’s issue.