Haj 1445 (Hijri) 2024 (CE)-extension for filling of HAF till 15.01.2024 reg.

Circular_01_Haj-2024 It is for the information of all the aspiring Haj-2024 Pilgrims of UT of Ladakh
that on the basis of the requests received from various quarters, the last date for
submission of online Haj Application Form (HAF) has been extended till 15th
January, 2024.
As such, all the intending Haj-2024 Pilgrims, UT of Ladakh are requested to
complete the online submission of HAF immediately and don’t wait for the last
day rush. The HAF can be submitted online by visiting the website of Haj
Committee of India (www.hajcommittee.gov.in).
Before filling the application form online, the concerned Haj aspirant are
hereby requested to read Haj Policy/Guidelines and undertaking carefully,
available on Haj Committee of India website www.hajcommittee.gov.in before
submission of the HAF.
Further, the Haj-2024 aspirants are requested to upload visible/readable
scanned copies of the following documents mandatorily:
1. 1st and last page of valid Passport ( with validity upto 31.01.2025).
2. COVID vaccination certificates (Dose 1 & 2nd ).
3. Bank Account Passbook/Bank Statement/cancelled cheque with complete
account number and IFSC code of the cover head of aspiring pilgrim(s)
along with pan card.
4. Address proof (Aadhar/Electric Bill or any utility bill).
5. Good quality Photograph.
Note: HAF are accepted in online mode only.