
    Hitachi MGRM Net conducts training, capacity building on MSTAR Applications to schools

    Publish Date: May 12, 2022
    Hitachi MGRM Net conducts training, capacity building on MSTAR Applications to schools (4)

    KARGIL, May 11, 2022: A team of expert from Hitachi MGRM Net, deployed by Directorate of School Education, Ladakh to prepare comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software today conducted training and capacity building for the staff of government schools on MSTAR (Managing, Scheduling, Tracking, Analysing and Reporting) Applications.
    The training session started with an address by Director School Education, Ladakh, Safdar Ali, who emphasized on the need to bring automation in Schools of Ladakh.
    The director asked to ensure easy access to data for all stakeholders in the education sector for proper management, monitoring and functioning of the education system in the region.
    Chief Education Officer, Kargil Mushtaq Ahmad, Zonal Education Officers, Principals, Lecturers, School Headmasters and teachers attended the training session here at Syed Mehdi Memorial Auditorium Hall, Kargil.
    The MSTAR application is aimed at managing data, people and process, scheduling of resources, tracking of progress and performance, analysing of outcomes and reporting of MIS, analytics and dashboard.
    The training on Edutech and software is aimed to modernize and digitalize the school education system in the government school of Ladakh to track the physical, mental and academic progress of every child in Ladakh from birth to their higher education.
    The experts trained the teachers on the school expert system, school management system, analytics and digital learning platform.
    The ERP software will integrate with the birth registration database, Anganwadi centres, parents, and health department to track students’ overall progress on various aspects.
    The software will act as a central portal to address all the administrative issues of schools, its teaching, and non-teaching staff. The session ended with a question-and-answer session.