
Housing and Urban Development


Ladakh has come a long way since it became a UT on 31 October 2019. The Housing & Urban Development Department (H&UDD), UT of Ladakh, is the nodal department for ensuring appropriate and planned growth of urban areas of Ladakh with adequate policies, planning, infrastructure, public utilitiesand citizen-centric municipal services.

The Department has been instrumental in implementing various projects for provision of safe drinking water, sanitation including solid waste management, storm water drainage, sewerage, roads, street lighting, public transport, affordable housing and creation of livelihood opportunities for urban poor by accelerating economic growth.

 Background and History

The Department is mandated to frame policies, prepare plans and implement schemes for growth of urban areas and to provide civic amenities in urban areas. The Department is also entrusted with the responsibility of strengthening the urban local bodies enabling them to discharge their functions effectively in terms of providing quality municipal services to the people. On 8th February 2019, Ladakh became a separate Revenue and Administrative Division within Jammu and Kashmir, having previously been part of the Kashmir Division. Ladakh became a Union Territory on 31st October 2019 and the Department started functioning as an integral part of the UT Administration with one Directorate and two Municipal Committees under its jurisdiction.


To achieve a coherent, homogeneous, comprehensive and sustainable growth in UT of Ladakh by ensuring planned and inclusive development of urban areas into livable, carbon-neutral, economically vibrant and sustainable entities with provision of adequate, durable and climate-resilient public infrastructure and amenities for all sections of society.


To achieve highest level of Ease-of-Living (EOL) and Ease-of-Doing-Business(EODB) with modern urban planning,smartinfrastructure and citizen-centric municipal services the UT of Ladakh.


  • To achieve a holistic and planned urban growth
  • To achieve sustainable and carbon neutral urban development
  • To implement climate-resilient urban infrastructure
  • To achieve greater Ease-of-Living (EOL) and Ease-of-Doing-Business (EODB) national ranking
  • To set up strong and efficient municipal governance system