
    Information Technology


    As a step towards e-Governance, the Information Technology Department was created in the year 2019, after UT was granted to Ladakh. The IT Department is responsible for handling all ICT related affairs in UT Ladakh. Various e-Governance Projects have been launched to reach out to citizens in a more effective manner and the age-old conventional functioning is being revamped through Business Process Re-engineering.

    The Information Technology Department functions under the supervision and guidance of the Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor and the Advisor to Lieutenant Governor. For implementing various e-Governance Projects in UT Ladakh, the IT Department is supported by Ladakh e-Governance Agency (LeGA). Further, the Common Service Centers (CSC) provides various G2C/B2C services to citizens at their door steps across all the districts of UT Ladakh.


    To use IT as medium for bringing transformational change in government processes with the aim to making governance more effective, efficient and citizen centric.


    To facilitate planning, designing, implementing and managing a wide range of IT initiatives at department / organization levels, in UT Ladakh while aligning its focus on Digital India Program.


    1. To provide inclusive, affordable and accessible Government services electronically to the citizens.
    2. To act as a facilitator for all stake holders and also to supplement the efforts of GoI in providing robust and reliable telecom and internet connectivity throughout the UT of Ladakh.
    3. To support other Government departments and organizations in re-engineering their work flows through IT intervention.
    4. To utilize the existing and prospective IT infrastructure resources to the best possible extent for meeting the objective of improving the quality of life of citizens.
    5. To increase digital literacy among government officers/officials, students, women and marginalized sections of the society.
    6. To ensure safer cyber space for all citizens.

    The IT Department functions as an Administrative Department in UT Ladakh. There is no Directorate, or any sub-office attached to the Department at the District or Block level

    Organisation structure of Information Technology Department


    S.No Name of the Officer/Officials Designation Mobile Number/Structure Email
    1 Ms. Shashanka Ala ( IAS ) Admin. Secretary
    2 Jigmet Raftan ( JKAS) Under Secretary

    i. e-OfficeImplementation (Electronic Office in UT of Ladakh)
    ii. State Service Delivery Gateway (SSDG)
    iii. State Wide Area Network (SWAN)
    iv. State Data Centre
    v. Telecommunication
    vi. Ladakh Heli service
    vii. ICT Labs for Government School
    viii. School, Teacher and Children Performance system
    ix. Facilities of Wi-Fi at Raj Niwas, Police Head quarter, Moon land, Nunkun, PWD Guest House, Gaser Palace, LAHDC&Civil Secretariat UT Ladakh.
    x. Community Radio

    IT Department SDP2022-23 (Rs. In Crore)
    S.No Schemes/Works Allocation 2022-23
    1 Construction of IT Enclave with provisioning of furnishing, furniture, and centralized heating system (State Data Centre and Other amenities) 4.00
    2 Ladakh Next gen SWAN Project 17.00
    3 Telecommunication infrastructure in lieu of USO funding 2.00
    4 LG Dashboard 1.50
    5 Online Library 1.00
    6 Installation of VSAT at 91 sites of
    Gram Panchayat Leh & Kargil
    (these are dismantled VSATs:
    dismantled due to various
    construction Activities)
    Total (Major Works): – 26.14
    7 ICT Infrastructure for supporting e-Gov. Programme & Services including software/applications 3.00
    8 Extension of e-Office & digitization of the office records 2.00
    9 Establishment of Wifi Network 4.00
    10 Ladakh State Data Centre 10.00
    11 ICT Infrastructure for Telecommunication and Networking Devices or Equipment, CCTV, Licenses 4.00
    Total M&E 23.00
    G.Total:- 49.14
    IT Department under State Sector 2022-23 (Rs in Lakh)
    S.No. Schemes/Works Allocation 2022-23
    1 Software, Website and Mobile Application Development and Hosting Including Civil Works. 50.00
    Total: – 50.00
    S.No Subject Status
    1 Information sought regarding bid number GEM/2020/B/799076 Replied
