
SSC Corner

Staff Selection Commission (SSC)


Categorization of posts into (03) three levels viz, Matriculation, 10+2 and Graduate & above.
S.No Name of the Department Name of the post Pay Level/Structure Total Posts Minimum Qualification Required


Level of Exam

1 Various Junior Stenographer Level-6B

i.    Graduation from any recognized University with minimum one-year National Trade Certificate (NTC) or State Trade Certificate (STC) in stenography (English)


ii.    Minimum speed of 65 and 35 words per minute in shorthand and computer type writing respectively.


iii. 200 hrs or Six-month Certificate Course in Computer Application from any recognized institute.

Graduation & above Level


2 Various Junior Assistant Level-4
90 Graduate from any recognized University with minimum 200 hrs or six-month Certificate Course in Computer Applications from any government recognized institute and to qualify type test with speed of not less than 35 words per minute on computer key board.

Graduation & above Level


3 Various Driver Grade-II Level-2
28 10th pass with driving license of Light Motor Vehicle (LMV) with (TRANS). Matriculation Level
4 Various Orderly Level-SL1
67 Minimum Matric and Maximum 10+2 Matriculation Level
5 Various Safaiwalla Level-SL1
3 Minimum Matric and Maximum 10+2 Matriculation Level
6 Planning Development & Monitoring Department Statistical Assistant Level-6B
65 Masters’ Degree from any recognized University in Economics/ Statistics/ Mathematics/ Commerce/ Computer Applications Graduation & above Level
Junior Statistical Assistant Level-5
Data Entry Operator/KPO Level-4

i. Graduation from any recognized University with Economics/ Statistics/ Mathematics/ Commerce/ Computer Applications as one subject.

ii. Six months’ Certificate course in Computer applications from any govt. recognized institute provided that any applicant having computer as one of the subjects in Graduation needed not required 06 months’ certificate course

Graduation & above Level
7 Finance Department Account Assistant Level-5
163 Graduation from any recognized University in one of the following stream:                                                  i. Commerce,                                                            ii. Business Administration,                                       iii. Science,                                                             iv. Computer Applications/IT                                      v. Any other discipline with Mathematics, Statistics or Economics as one of the subject. Graduation & above Level
8 PW (R&B) Junior Engineer Level-6
144 Degree (B.Tech / B.E) / Three (03) years Diploma in Civil Engineering from any government recognized Institute/ University (Full Time/Regular) 10+2 (Higher Secondary) Level
9 Home Department
Prosecuting Officer Level-6E
6 A Bachelor’s Degree in Law of a University established by Law in India. Explanation: Bachelors Degree in Law shall mean LLB 3 years (Professional)/ 5 years LLB Integrated Course”. Graduation & above Level
Home Department (Prison) Computer Assistant Level-4

i.    Graduation from a recognized university in any stream with one year Diploma in Computer Software applications or

ii. B.Sc. IT/BCA or iii. Three years Diploma in Computer Applications / Software Application from an AICTE recognized institute

10+2 (Higher Secondary) Level
10 Revenue Department Naib Tehsildar Level-6E
4 Graduation from a Recognized University. Graduation & above Level
11 Transport Department Motor Vehicle Inspector Level 6D

I. Degree or 3 year Diploma in Automobile Engineering


II. Degree or 3 year Diploma in Mechanical  Engineering


III. By deputation from inservice Junior Engineers in the Mechanical Department in case direct recruits are not available and till they became available

10+2 (Higher Secondary) Level
12 Industries and Commerce Department Industrial Promotion Officer IPO Level-6F

A. Non-Technical: Graduate with Economics/ Statistics/ Business Administration/ Chemistry/ Bio Technology/ Micro-Biology/ Pharma/ Electronics/ Computer Science as one of the subject                         OR

B. Technical: Engineering graduate in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Chemical/ Metallurgy/ Textiles/ Electronics/ Agriculture/ Food/ Environment/ Industrial                                      OR

Degree/ Post graduate Diploma in Wood/ Leather/ Food/ Polymer Technology from a recognized university/ institute/ M.Tech in Information Technolog

Graduation & above Level
Block Investigator (BI) Level 6D
6 Engineering graduate in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Chemical/ Metallurgy/ Textiles/ Electronics/ Agriculture/ Food/ Environment/ Industrial/.M.Tech in Information Technology. Graduation & above Level
Assistant Extension Officer (AEO) Level-6

A. Non-Technical: Graduate with Economics/ Statistics/ Business Administration/ Chemistry/ Bio Technology/ Micro-Biology/ Pharma/ Electronics/ Computer Science as one of the subject                           OR

B. Technical: Engineering graduate in Mechanical/ Electrical/ Chemical/ Metallurgy/ Textiles/ Electronics/ Agriculture/ Food/ Environment/ Industrial


Degree/ Post graduate Diploma in Wood/ Leather/ Food/ Polymer Technology from a recognized university/ institute/ M.Tech in Information Technology

Graduation & above Level
13 Employment Department Career Counselling Officer Level-6
1 Master in Business Administration /Psychology with Diploma in Guidance & Counselling from a recognized institute. Graduation & above Level
Employment Officer Level-6
14 Labour Department Labour Officer Level-6E

Postgraduate Degree/Diploma in Social Work OR

Labour Welfare


Industrial Relations


Personnel Management


Master of Business Administration in Personnel Management or Human Resource Management from a recognized University/Institute OR Integrated Degree in Law (of five-year duration) or Bachelor’s Degree in Law from a recognized University/Institute

Graduation & above Level
15 Culture Department (Libraries) Junior Librarian Level-4
6 Bachelor’s degree in Library Science or Graduation with minimum one-year Diploma in Library Science. Graduation & above Level
16 Tourism Department Assistant Tourist Officer Level-6E
1 Graduation in Hospitality/Hotel/Travel & Tourism Management from any recognized University or Institute, with minimum six months Certificate Course in Computer applications from any Govt. recognized Institute. Graduation & above Level
Receptionist Level-4
3 Minimum three (03) years Diploma in Hospitality/Hotel/Travel & Tourism Management from any recognized University or Institute, with minimum sixmonthCertificate Course in Computer applications from any Govt. recognized Institute 10+2 (Higher Secondary) Level
Bearer Level-SL1
2 Minimum 10th pass and Maximum 10+2, with Diploma in Food & Beverages Service from Food Craft Institute or any other recognized Institute. Matriculation Level
17 Agriculture Department Junior Agriculture Extension Officer Level-6E
11 B.Sc. Agriculture from any recognized University. Graduation & above Level
Agriculture Extension Assistant Level-6
18 Command Area Development Department Field Assistant-II Level-4
6 B.Sc from any recognized University Graduation & above Level
19 Horticulture Department Horticulture Technician Grade III Level-2
3 10+2 with one year Certificate Course in basic horticulture training from recognized Institute. 10+2 (Higher Secondary) Level
20 Sheep Husbandry Stock Assistant Level-4
3 10+2 with science (Medical) 10+2 (Higher Secondary) Level
21 Cooperative Department Supervisor/ Auditor Level-4
1 Graduation with minimum 6- month Diploma in Cooperative Management from any government recognized Institute. Graduation & above Level
22 Social and Tribal Welfare Department Social Worker Grade-I Level-6
6 Bachelors in Social Work/Social Sciences from a recognized University with atleast 2 years’ work experience in social work with an NGO/VO/Dept/ Institute Graduation & above Level
23 Information Department Assistant Information Officer Level-6E
5 Graduate in any stream with PG Diploma or Masters Degree in Mass Communication, Journalism or Development Communication from a recognized university Graduation & above Level
Information Assistant Level-6
24 Excise and State Tax Department Inspector Level-6
1 Graduate from any recognized University. Graduation & above Level
Sub Inspector Level-4
Guard/Excise Guard Level-SL2
12 Minimum Matric and Maximum 10+2 Matriculation Level
25 Health Department Chief Amchi Level-7
1 Bachelor Degree in Sowa-Rigpa Medicine from a recognized Institute. Graduation & above Level
Warden Level-7
1 Bachelor Degree in Hotel Management from any recognized Institute OR Graduate with minimum two years Diploma in Hotel Management from any recognized Institute Graduation & above Level
Junior Physiotherapist Level-6
6 Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy (BPT)or 10+2 with Diploma in Physiotherapy (DPT) from any recognized Institute. 10+2 (Higher Secondary) Level
Extension Educator/Health Educator Level-6
9 Diploma in Health Promotion Education (DHPE) from any Institute recognized by International Institute of Population Science (IIPS) OR Diploma in Nutrition and Health Education from any recognized Institute 10+2 (Higher Secondary) Level
Dy. Mass Education Information Officer Level-6
3 Graduate with Degree/Diploma in Mass Communication, Journalism or Development Communication from a recognized university. Graduation & above Level
Sister Tutor/Public Health Nurse Level-6
15 B.Sc. Nursing (Basic/Post Basic) with 2 years of professional experience in Community Health Nursing Specialty. Graduation & above Level
26 Technical Education & Skill Development Department
Polytechnic Sector
Demonstrator (Civil Engineering) Level-6D
1 Degree or its equivalent with not less than 50% marks or 3 years diploma with not less than 65% marks in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or Board. 10+2 (Higher Secondary) Level
Workshop Instructor Level-6
2 Matric with National Trade Certificate (NTC)/National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC)/ State Trade Certificate (STC) in any Engineering trade and experience of 5 years handson experience in a workshop.
3 years Diploma in Mechanical
/Electrical /Civil/ Electronics &
Communication Engineering from a
recognised Institute and 2 years
hands-on experience in a workshop.
Matriculation Level
Instrument Repairer Level-4
1 Matric with National Trade Certificate (NTC)/National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC)/ State Trade Certificate (STC) in Instrument Mechanic trade. Matriculation Level
Lab-Bearer Level-SL1
1  Matric Matriculation Level
Chowkidar Level-SL1
1 Minimum Matric and Maximum 10+2 Matriculation Level
27 Technical Education & Skill Development Department
ITI Sector
Vocational Instructor Mechanic Motor Vehicle Level-4
2 B.Voc/Degree in Automobile/ Mechanical Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized Engineering College/ university with one year experience in the relevant field.
03 years Diploma in Automobile/ Mechanical Engineering from AICTE recognized board of technical education or relevant Advanced Diploma (Vocational) from DGT with two years’ experience in the relevant field.
National Trade Certificate (NTC)/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) / State Trade Certificate (STC) passed in the trade of “Mechanic Motor Vehicle” with three years’ experience in the relevant field. Must Possess valid LMV driving License. Essential Qualification: – Relevant National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in any of the variant under DGT.
Matriculation Level
Vocational Instructor Electrician Level-4
2 B.Voc/Degree in Electrical/ Electrical and Electronics Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized Engineering College/ university with one-year experience in the relevant field.
03 years Diploma in Electrical/ Electrical and Electronics Engineering from AICTE/recognized board of technical education or relevant Advanced Diploma (Vocational) from DGT with two years’ experience in the relevant field.
National Trade Certificate (NTC)/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) / State Trade Certificate (STC) passed in the trade of “Electrician” with three years’ experience in the relevant field. Essential Qualification: – Relevant National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in any of the variant under DGT.
Matriculation Level
Vocational Instructor Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance Level-4
1 B.Voc/Degree in Engineering/Technology in Computer Science/IT/Electronics & Communication from AICTE/UGC recognized Engineering College/ university with one-year experience in the relevant field.
Post Graduate in Computer Science / Computer Application/ IT/ Electronics from AICTE/UGC recognized university with one-year experience in the relevant field. OR Bachelors in Computer Science/ Computer Application/ IT
OR NIELIT A Level from AICTE/UGC recognized university two years experience in the relevant field. OR
03 years Diploma in Computer Science/IT/Electronics & Communication from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education or relevant Advanced Diploma (Vocational) from DGT with two years’ experience in the relevant field. OR National Trade Certificate (NTC)/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) / State Trade Certificate (STC) passed in the trade of “Information & Communication Technology System Maintenance” with three years’ experience in the relevant field. Essential Qualification: – Relevant National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in any of the variant under DGT.
Matriculation Level
Vocational Instructor Carpentry Level-4
1 B.Voc/Degree in Civil/ Mechanical Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognized Engineering College/ university with one-year experience in the relevant field.
OR 03 years Diploma in Civil/ Mechanical Engineering from AICTE/ recognized board of technical education or relevant Advanced Diploma (Vocational) from DGT with two years’ experience in the relevant field.
OR National Trade Certificate (NTC)/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) / State
Trade Certificate (STC) passed in the trade of “Carpenter” with three years’ experience
in the relevant field.
Essential Qualification: –
Relevant National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in any of the variant under DGT.
Matriculation Level
Vocational Instructor Computer Operator And Programming Assistant Level-4
2 B.Voc/Degree in Computer Science/ IT from AICTE/ UGC Recognized University with one year experience in the relevant field.
Post Graduate in Computer Science /Computer Application / IT from UGC Recognized University or NIELIT B Level with one-year experience in the relevant field.
Bachelor in Computer Science / Computer Application / IT OR PGDCA from UGC recognized University or NIELIT A Level with two-year experience in the relevant field.
03 years Diploma in Computer Science/IT from recognized Board/Institute or relevant Advanced Diploma (Vocational) from DGT with two-year experience in the relevant field. OR National Trade Certificate (NTC)/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) / State Trade Certificate (STC) in COPA trade with three-year experience in the relevant field. Essential Qualification: – Relevant National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in any of the variant under DGT.
Matriculation Level
Vocational Instructor Engineering Drawing Level-4
2 B.Voc/Degree In Engineering from AICTE/UGC recognised Engineering College/University with one years experience in the relevant field. OR 03-year Diploma in Engineering from AICTE/ UGC recognised board of technical education or relevant advanced Diploma (Vocational) from DGT with two years experience in the relevant field. OR National Trade Certificate (NTC)/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) / State Trade Certificate (STC) in any trade of the relevant group categorized under Engg. Drawing/ Draughtsman Mechanical/ Draughtsman Civil with three years experience. Essential Qualification: – National Craft Instructor Certificate (NCIC) in relevant trade. OR NCIC in Reading of Drawing and Arithmetic (RoDA)/Draughtsman (Mech/Civil) or any of its variant under DGT. Matriculation Level
Workshop Attendant (Electrician trade) Level-SL2
1 Matric passed with National Trade Certificate (NTC)/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) / State Trade Certificate (STC) in the required trade.(Electrician) Matriculation Level
Workshop Attendant (Plumber trade) Level-SL2
1 Matric passed with National Trade Certificate (NTC)/ National Apprenticeship Certificate (NAC) / State Trade Certificate (STC) in the required trade.(Plumber) Matriculation Level
28 Law Department Legal Assistant Level-6E
35 A Bachelor’s Degree in Law (Professional) of a University established by Law in India, with enrollment as an Advocate in any Bar for two years or with two years experience in dealing with legal matters in any Government Department/Government Organization/PSU.
Explanation: Bachelor’s Degree in Law shall mean: LLB 3 years (Professional) / 5 years LLB integrated course.
Graduation & above Level
Junior Legal Assistant Level-6B
2 A Bachelor’s Degree in Law from a recognized University established by Law in India. Explanation: Bachelor’s Degree in Law shall mean: LLB 3 years (Professional) / 5 years LLB integrated Course. Graduation & above Level
Total 797

Disclaimer : The above information is tentative and for guidance purpose only. The aspirant Candidates are advised to follow SSC Website ( for exact details.