
    UT Ladakh observed the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

    Publish Date: December 4, 2023
    WhatsApp Image 2023-12-04 at 2.19.00 PM

    Leh, Dec 4, 2023: Hub for Empowerment of Women under Mission Shakti, Social & Tribal Welfare Department, UT Ladakh observed the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women by conducting a comprehensive awareness campaign in several government schools across the Leh district. The initiative aimed to educate, engage, and empower young minds in the fight against gender-based violence.
    The weeklong campaign, held from November 28 to December 4, witnessed the active participation of 400 government schools, where dedicated sessions were conducted to enlighten students about the prevalence of violence against women and its detrimental effects on society.
    Through engaging workshops, interactive discussions, and informative presentations, the students were sensitized to recognize different forms of violence, understand its impact, and encouraged to take a stand against it.
    District Mission Coordinator from District Hub for Empowerment of Women, Diskit Ladol, highlighted that the International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women serves as a reminder of the collective responsibility to end this pervasive issue. She added that by reaching out to young minds in government schools, they strive to instill values of respect, equality, and empathy, fostering a generation that advocates for a world free from all forms of violence.
    The sessions included informative material, real-life case studies, and open dialogues to encourage students to voice their thoughts, share experiences, and seek support. The initiative also aimed to connect students with available resources and support networks, ensuring they understand where to seek help or guidance if faced with such situations.
    The Hub for Empowerment of Women extends its gratitude to the (Government Education Department/Authorities) for their support and collaboration in making this campaign a success.
    Central Administrator, Shahida Parveen talked about the services available at One Stop Centre Leh. Agling
    Principals and staff members of the schools appreciated the team for organising such a productive programme and urged them to conduct such event in future as well.