    Govt Orders/Circulars/Notifications/SO
    Title Date View / Download
    Order No.01-LA-PW(R&B) of 2023: Training programme for the 4th quarter of FY-2022-23 under PMGSY- Deputation of Engineers thereof. 04/01/2023
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    Order No. 49-RDD(UTL) of 2023: Transfer and Postings of Block Development Officers 02/01/2023
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    Circular No. 10-LA(GAD) of 2022: Filling of Annual Property Return by Government employees of the UT Administration of Ladakh – instructions thereof. 31/12/2022
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    Order No: -395-LA (GAD) of 2022: State Review of Non-Farm Livelihood component and Workshop for preparation of Annual Action Plan under NRLM at New Delhi-Deputation of Officers thereof. 31/12/2022
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    Ladakh Centre Pool MBBS & BDS (Selection of Candidates and Allotment of Colleges)-2022-23. 31/12/2022
    Accessible Version : View(872 KB)
    Notice internship and Guidelines of Internship 29/12/2022
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    S.O 136: Notifications of ADM Leh & Kargil as the Adjudicating Officers 28/12/2022
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    Order No:-213-PD&MD(UTL) of 2022: Final Seniority list of Statistical Officers, Statistical Assistants & Junior Statistical Assistant of UT Cadre as it stood on 01.04.2022. 28/12/2022
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    Order No: -391-LA (GAD) of 2022: 1st All India Annual State Ministers Conference on Water-Water Vision©2047″ -Deputation of Officers thereof. 27/12/2022
    Accessible Version : View(55 KB)
    Notice: Unified Ladakh Building Bye-Laws-2022 for Union Territory of Ladakh. 27/12/2022
    Accessible Version : View(2 MB)

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    Ladakhs Phonya leh Jul-Aug 2023.

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    WhatsApp Image 2024-01-26 at 4.29.43 PM

    75th Republic Day celebrated at Khaltse sub-division.

    Leh, Jan 26, 2014: The 75th Republic Day was also celebrated at New Stadium of Sub-Division Khaltse today on January[…]

    WhatsApp Image 2024-01-30 at 2.52.58 PM

    Health Department organises Anti- Leprosy Day in Leh.

    Leh, Jan 30,2024: Anti- Leprosy Day campaign was observed under the theme of ‘Ending Stigma, Embracing Dignity’ at Conference Hall[…]


    Road Safety Month: Traffic Police holds seminar-cum-awareness program in Kargil.

    Kargil, Jan 30, 2024: As a part of the Road Safety Month, Traffic Police Ladakh today organized 6th seminar-cum-awareness program[…]

    WhatsApp Image 2024-01-30 at 11.47.13 AM (1)

    LAHDC Leh pays homage to Martyrs on Martyr’s Day.

    Leh, Jan 30: Hill Council, Leh observed a solemn two-minute silence, bringing office works to a halt to honor the[…]


    CEC Kargil calls on LG J&K, discuss various issues.

    Kargil, Jan 30: Chairman/CEC, LAHDC, Kargil, Dr Mohd Jaffer Akhoon on Monday called on Lieutenant Governor, Jammu and Kashmir, Shri[…]



    Sustainable Campus Challenge

    2 April, 2023

    On one of the themes of Y20 Pre-Summit- “Making Sustainability…

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    31 May, 2021

    ICAR-Central Arid Zone Research Institute (An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute)…

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